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Thursday, February 01, 2007 My Very First Woodpecker

I have resumed my daily lunchtime walks, today's journey was through the much underused Moor Park which is a mere 5 minute walk from my house. Upon entering the park I didn't see a single person for the first five minutes. It was during this time that my eye was caught by two grey squirrels playing around a tree, whilst I was trying to capture them on film, i became aware of a tapping noise and looking down a hill, very close to the footpack, about three feet from the ground was this little beauty. (Not this actual one, I nicked this of the internet, no by the time I'd taken my gloves off and got the zoom working the bird was long gone).

I've heard woodpeckers on two previous occasions, once in some far off trees in Longridge and on another occasion in some light woods near the allotments at Moor Park, usually the tapping noise is so distant that you don't become aware of it for some time. This time the bird was only about thirty feet from me and had no leaves to conceal it.

About fifty yards from this spot is a small brook, that is now quite clean, but was once very polluted, it was here about thirty years that I caught my one and only sighting of a Kingfisher, I can only remember it as being a brilliant blue colour because if flew so fast into the banking of the stream, or was it away from the bank, I can't remember.

Anyway, here's the photo I actually took of the two squirells, there's only one in the photo and it's the grey thing to the right of the round thing. David Bailey watch out here I come!

The whole park was filled with the sounds of birds, more so than at anytime I remember during the summer.
Posted by Cadley Dad :: Thursday, February 01, 2007 :: 3 comments

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--------------- Preston, Lancashire ---------------